Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Outstanding Work 18/2/16

Check out this amazing work! Well done Connor, you worked so well and put in lots of effort! RERE would be so proud!

We were learning the Māori names for:
Mountain: Maunga
Hill: Puke
River: Awa
Lake: Roto
Ocean/Sea: Moana
Canoe: Waka
Tribe: Iwi
Sub-tribe: Hapū

We have already talked to our families about landmarks and water sources that are important to us and we will use this information to write our pēpehā (a way to introduce ourselves in Māori). This will link in to our 'take a dot for a walk' art.

*Excuse my lack of macron in tō (your)


  1. Hi guys Cody's mum here(Rochelle). What a great intellegent looking bunch you have here Miss Osborn. Aren't you the lucky one don't you think. Look forward to seeing some super pics and writing from the kids.

    1. Hi Rochelle,

      Thanks for your comment! I agree, I am one lucky teacher, the Room 8 students are outstanding! We are writing 'I am' poetry this week so we will be sharing some of our writing on here next week.

  2. Great job Connor, mum and dad are very proud of you!

  3. Great job Connor, Mum and Dad are very proud of you!!
